Back to: Back Alley Antics

Photo by Marcia Provenzano

Dance duet composed and performed by Kyle Syverson and Michael Bantjes.


Third annual event featuring site-specific performances in the back alleys of the Broadway district in Saskatoon. Produced by Jackie Latendresse of Free Flow Dance Theatre.

"The audience of about 50 arrived at the location marked on their map. Our performance was just after the lemonade stand break, about halfway through the program. The audience members, by now used to surprises, were not sure exactly where in the t-junction of the alleys they would find the show. From about two thirds of the way down the leg of the t we progressed toward our audience, finally dancing through them and continuing our sequence against the walls of the buildings.

Photo by Marcia Provenzano

This was my first duet. I learned a lot, thanks to the privilege of being able to work with a dancer and choreographer as experienced and talented as Kyle. It was a true collaboration. We both had ideas about every part of the piece, and had no difficulty in identifying and agreeing about which ideas were best. Kyle certainly had the last word on the choreography, while I probably had a bit more influence on the choice of costumes and use of space.


Photo by Marcia Provenzano

This section was partly inspired by poses of gods and royalty in ancient imperial art; egyptian, mayan... and by contrasts; power, vulnerability.

This part was hard to choreograph because we couldn't see one another. Kyle had a pretty good idea of what I was doing, having coached me through it so many times. Several times she got me to do it while she watched, and we took pictures showing me in certain poses with Kyle in hers.

Photo by Marcia Provenzano

Shortly before we jump off into the crowd.

Photo by Marcia Provenzano

We finished up...

Photo by Marcia Provenzano

...with some lifts...

Photo by Marcia Provenzano

...dancing through the audience.

Photo by Ed Pas

Then off down the side alley, taking turns stopping, looking back, each swinging off the momentum of the other, out of sight."
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